Visiting Mulago Hospital in Kampala
In the Maternity Ward, a mother holds her newly born child Today the team visited the Mulago hospital in Kampala. They were able to visit the maternity ward, surgery ward, and children's ward, praying for the patients and doctors. Thank you
Planning the Planting of a Peace Poll in Sudan
Ambassador Terfa Mengesha Remchie(right) and the First Secretary of Ethiopia in Uganda Today the team met with the Ambassador of Ethiopia in Uganda. The team is planning to travel to Ethiopia and participate in their Millennium celebration on September 12th. At
Global Walk Team Arrives in Uganda
The team arrived safely in Uganda Monday Night, August 13th. This week the team will be praying with the people of Kampala, Uganda. Today the team walked around a local village called Kireka in Kampala and greeted many of
Church Service in Mitchells Plain
The radio interview on Friday was a great success! Yesterday we took a trip out into the downtown region of Cape Town. We were able to see the harbor, some of their shopping areas, and the beauty of the
Nelson Mandela’s Former Jail Cell
Today we visited the maximum security prison and were given a tour of the prison cell that Nelson Mandela was held in for many years. After we left the maximum security prison we attended a ladies Bible study with pastor Clayton.
Visiting with the Women’s Prison
Today we visited the all women's prison at Pollsmoor prison. We had a praise and worship session and broke up into small groups for study. They ladies received us well and we were able to share what we are doing.